
The Rieti territory is rich in panoramas of incredible charm and beauty. Between nature reserves and parks such as the Gran Sasso National Park, Mount Terminillo, the Lucretili Mountains, the highlands, the Velino gorges, but also the simpler cultivated fields that characterize the area, shaping its landscape, the Terra experience aims to inspire visitors to explore this diverse territory.



Dry Lake Oasis

The 15-hectare Dry Lake Oasis at an altitude of 1500 meters features a body of water saved by the WWF and today also protected by the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park, where animal and plant species survive, some of which are very rare on the central Apennines. The European Community has recognized the site as having strategic importance for the conservation of biodiversity on the European continent.

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Plan of the Pantani

In the territory of Accumoli is the Piano of the Pantani, extending for about 80 hectares at an altitude of 1600 metres. The name derives from the frequent presence of stagnant waters in the small lakes of glacial origin, the “pantani” in fact. It is a Special Conservation Area included in the Natura 2000 network. In fact, the site hosts peculiar plant and animal species.

Near this place, discover:


Accumoli, Amatrice

Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park

Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park is the third largest protected nature reserve in Italy; it was established in 1991. It includes in its extension three regions: Abruzzo for the most part, Lazio and Marche. The park is called a “European monument to biodiversity.” Its territory includes the highest mountain in the Apennines, Gran Sasso. Characteristic is the variety of landscapes, also given by the different geology of the reliefs: limestone and dolomite on the Gran Sasso and Gemini Mountains, sandstone and marl on the Laga Mountains. Extraordinary is the wealth of animal and plant species. The most representative animals of the Apennines are the wolf, chamois, bear, and golden eagle.

Near this place, discover:


Ascrea, Castel di Tora, Collalto Sabino, Collegiove, Marcetelli, Nespolo, Paganico Sabino, Rocca Sinibalda, Varco Sabino

Monte Navegna and Monte Cervia Nature Reserve

The Monte Navegna and Monte Cervia Nature Reserve is a protected natural area located in the province of Rieti, between Lago del Salto and Lago del Turano. The reserve occupies an area of over 3,000 hectares and was established in 1988. Two separate areas are part of the reserve: the largest and highest is the one that includes the Navegna (1507 m), Cervia (1438 m) and Filone mountains (1328 m), from which the view ranges from the Salto lake to the Turano lake, further down, to the Cicolano mountains and the Carseolani mountains, to Terminillo. The other area includes the hills surrounding the village of Nespolo. The territory is covered by woods for over 70% of the surface, and has varied landscapes, mountains, hills and valley floors and numerous waterways.

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Plain of San Vittorino

The San Vittorino Plain is located at an altitude of 400 meters between Mount Terminillo and Mount Velino. It is a wetland crossed by the Velino River, very rich in water and characterized by remarkable karst phenomena. It is part of Lazio’s Sites of Community Interest, and is also known as Piana del Peschiera because that is where the spring of the same name is located.



Plateau and lake of Rascino

The Rascino plateau is a karst plateau in the Cicolano mountains on the border with Abruzzo. It is an isolated place, almost untouched. In summer it becomes pasture for the herds of farmers from the surrounding areas, and it is very pleasant to walk or ride a bicycle, while in winter it is covered in snow, and it is possible to practice cross-country skiing or walk with snowshoes. Here the famous Rascino lentil is grown.

Near this place, discover:



Mount Terminillo

Mount Terminillo (2217 m) is a mountain massif that is part of the Apennine group of Monti Reatini, is located about 32 km from Rieti and falls entirely within the province of Rieti. Terminillo is one of the best-known symbols of Sabina, it has great value for its biodiversity represented by habitats, animal and plant species of community interest. Terminillo is also well known for its ski facility, very popular especially by the inhabitants of the capital, so much so that it is nicknamed “the mountain of Rome”, and by the inhabitants of the neighboring areas, in particular Terni, Perugia and Viterbo.

Near this place, discover:



Quercia monumentale

Nel territorio di Marcetelli si trova la più antica quercia del reatino. Quest’albero monumentale è anche conosciuto col nome di “Cerquabella” ovvero quercia bella. La pianta ha più di due secoli, è alta 22 metri ed ha un diametro di 5 metri. La quercia presenta un buco scavato all’interno, si racconta che fu opera dell’uomo, di qualcuno alla ricerca di un antico tesoro citato in una legenda.

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Caves of Val de' Varri

The Val de’ Varri Caves were explored for the first time in 1929, when experts unearthed some rock graffiti dating back to the Bronze Age, some artefacts and remains of pottery from the 4th – 2nd century BC. The caves, inside which a stream flows, extend underground for about 1800 meters. At the entrance to the cave, the waters of the Rio Varri flow out, forming a beautiful 20-metre waterfall, to then disappear among the rocks. Continuing on, one can observe the archaeological finds on one side, and the so-called “Hall of confluence” on the other, where it is evident how the millennial work of water has transformed the surrounding rock, creating a fantastic interplay of stalactites and stalagmites. The caves were opened to the public for the first time in 2003 and today offer a very impressive visit.

Near this place, discover:


Poggio Moiano, Scandriglia, Orvinio

Regional Natural Park of the Lucretili Mountains

The Regional Natural Park of the Lucretili Mountains is a protected natural area of the Lazio region established in 1989. The park is located on the limestone ridge of the Lazio pre-Apennines, covers 18,000 hectares and its main nucleus is made up of the Lucretili Mountains. The highest peaks are Mount Pellecchia (1368 m) and Mount Gennaro (1271 m). The territory of the park includes municipalities that belong to the provinces of Rome and Rieti. Despite its proximity to Rome, which is about 30 km away, the Park retains many woods including wonderful beech woods.

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Valle scura

Valle Scura è una delle valli più belle e selvagge della provincia di Rieti, meta di escursionisti e appassionati di trekking. Qui proprio grazie alle difficoltà di accesso si sono conservate specie animali e vegetali scomparse altrove e una natura che rimane incontaminata. I paesaggi che offre la valle sono vari: dalle cascate create dai fiumi a fondovalle, ai crinali ricoperti da boschi fino a sconfinate piane in altitudine. Qui passa il sentiero n°5 del CAI.


Pozzaglia Sabina

Grotta Pila

La Grotta Pila è una cavita’ naturale situata sul monte Frainili, nelle vicinanze della via Licinese, tra Poggio Moiano e Pozzaglia Sabina. E’ lunga circa 40m, molto interessante sia dal punto di vista morfologico che archelogico. Presenta infatti i risultati di lunghi fenomeni di carsismo come stalattiti, stalagmiti e colonne. La grotta è importante soprattutto per lo studio della chirotterofauna, e cioè dei pipistrelli.

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Montain Pelato

Starting from the town, a route, immersed in the greenery of the surrounding woods, leads to the top of Montain Pelato: a natural terrace with a breathtaking view of the village of Rocca Sinibalda.

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